Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trying to recover

Okay - today is hopefully a little better day than yesterday. I did some work in the studio today, and then went running with a friend. I tried to chat with my sister a bit, but it seems she was busy with some bookkeeping, so I left her alone. The handles I made for some mugs look to be too dry, so I sprayed them down with water and wrapped them in plastic to see if they will soften up a bit to be used. Otherwise it is time to pull some more of them. "Pulling" is the process used to form the handles from a large lump of clay. It looks a lot like milking a cow for anyone that has had that experience before (most farmers would know instantly what I mean). I left the handles out too long to firm up so they became too dry to use. I may just make some more since I need 9 or 10 of them, plus a larger one for a pitcher I made, and two others for a weird shaped vase. I did throw a large plant urn yesterday using around 18-20 pounds of red clay. I'm happy with the shape and size - traditional urn shape and about 14" high - so I'm excited to see what I might do to decorate it.

I'm hoping Li will reply to my email tonight so that tomorrow I can find out what she has to say about the possibility of convincing her family to allow us to have a relationship. If she says no, that it is not possible, then it is time for me to move on and find someone else. I was really hoping we could have a future and a family together... Guess that's the way the cards fall in life, so I need to learn to accept it. Sure makes for some pretty low spirits on my part. I'm guessing Li isn't very happy either right now.

Looks like I'm going to need to experiment with the Blogspot editor a bit before I can post some photos instream of this blog. I wanted to insert a photo of the planter urn here. Yay! It worked that time. Just have to make them small enough, apparently.


  1. Carl , I do hope Li and her family will reply in your favor , to move on in your Relationship with Li . I don't understand why the fast NO from the Parent's ? They must have given the Okay for Li to even be at an Agency to find a foreign Husband .

    Thank you also for the opportunity to follow your Blog and your feeling's about all this , on a regular bases .

    That Urn looks great so far . I know how hard that is to make , I try'd it ones , I could get nothing to stand that tall on the turn table . Hehehe

  2. Thanks Arnold! Yes, sometimes the clay is kind, and wants to form the shape I have in my mind... and other times I have to fight it. Seems it was rather kind to me on this one... ha ha. I'm thinking of rolling up some Roman-style handles for it and attaching them near the rim.

    Haven't heard back from Li, so it seems this is the end. I'm not one to chase after something if it is not meant to be. Thanks for the support, Arnold. I really do appreciate it!!!
