Monday, January 4, 2010

Clay handles, dry hands, frozen water well - are we having fun yet?

Since I had made (called throwing) some cups on the wheel yesterday, I needed some handles for them, so a few hours ago I pulled 17 handles that can be used on a variety of pots, but I made most of them a little thicker for the coffee/beer mugs I'm making. I wrap some short pieces of PVC pipe in a hand towel and then lay the newly pulled handle over it to help it get the correct bend. Everything gets adjusted later when it is attached to the cup or mug, of course.

I had some old handles still around from the last bunch I pulled... wrapped up in three layers of plastic so that they wouldn't dry out. They seemed in pretty good shape, but there were only four of them left, so the new handles will come in handy shortly.
It is very cold out for the past few days, so the combination of the dry air and the large number of times I put my hands in water (for throwing on the wheel, dishes, etc.), the skin on the back of my hands is getting pretty raw. I've just slathered them in lotion and will do so again later tonight before bed. Hopefully they will recover shortly and won't be as sore soon.
One of my brothers called me this past Saturday to say that the water well on the farm in Iowa where our parents live had frozen up. Since I had to look after a sick cat, I couldn't go. But several of my brothers went and they got the pipes thawed and water pressure restored. Thank goodness for brothers!!!!


  1. Interesting to read how you make the handles. How is the cat?

  2. Tiger, my sick cat, is not doing very well lately. He is on the end of his days. Hopefully he will pass along peacefully when he is ready to go. In the mean time, I am his nurse, trying to do whatever I can to make him confortable and happy. It's hard to see him go, since he has been a close companion of mine for 15 years. Once he passes, then I'll need some time to recover too, I think. And time moves on....
