Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Successes and failures

When it comes to firing pottery in the kiln, sometimes things work well, and sometimes they don't. It is easy to compare it to getting presents for Christmas or your birthday... sometimes you get something you really like, and sometimes you receive something less than ideal.

So it was that I opened the kiln today and saw some very nice pots in the first few layers.

And then came upon this large platter. Ouch! I guess it was not meant to be.

Here are some pics of things that did turn out. This large wall piece barely fits into the kiln.

And this large platter is approximately 19" in diameter, again barely fitting into the kiln due to its size. Some of the people in my class that saw it this evening said they thought it looked like the world as seen from above the pole.

This vase has a black leaf attached to the front.

This large bowl would easily serve a large amount of mashed pototoes, or anything else for that matter.

This small globe vase has many colors of glaze on the outside.

Here is a large pitcher.

And here is my large cat, probably waiting to be fed something out of the large bowl! LOL.

Back to the studio to get more pottery made. Going to be a busy year, so need to get a head-start on it.
Take care and have fun!


  1. So...what happens to the ones that don't work? I guess the dumpster is the only option, eh?

  2. Usually they get the hammer treatment first, then go into the dumpster. That way no one 'finds' them and has a piece of my art that doesn't live up to my standards. I was taught that by the director at an arts center, and find it is a good way to dispose of the inferior pieces. And besides, it is a good stress reliever. Just have to wear eye protection and swing a hammer! :D

  3. Me being a Mechanic , I love the Hammer also very much . But it sometimes causes Stress . Haha

    Do you ship Carl ? I would love to have one of your Art pieces as a Momento of your great Skills .

    Looking at your Cat at first , I thought .. you made a Clone of your Pussycat in Clay .

  4. Yes, Arnold, I would be willing to ship... probably send something by Fed Ex Ground, as they seem to do a nice job of handling things in my experience. I'm still getting things in line for a web site, so don't have a good place to send you to see everything I have yet.

    Now there's a thought... think I can get my cat to hold still long enough to model him in clay? I think he might object!!! LOL
